
Dashboard - Eletric Car

January 10, 2023 - In Progress

The electric car is a UPM project involving students from various courses at the School of Engineering. It consists of manufacturing a car that achieves energy efficiency, using techniques and knowledge from the fields of mechanics, electrical engineering, electronics, programming, among others. The objective is participation in the Shell Eco-marathon, a global academic program focused on energy efficiency and one of the world's premier engineering student competitions. In addition to the mechanical and electrical structure, the car uses sensors to monitor current and voltage consumption, temperature, and vehicle speed. These data are displayed on a panel; an application developed for a smartphone is fixed to the car's steering wheel so that the driver can monitor the vehicle's performance according to their actions. All communication between the Arduino and the application is done via USB cable, using the UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) serial protocol. Sensor data, after processing, are packaged into a JSON-formatted string and sent to the application, which receives this string and displays the values.

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