
Notice - Scientific Initiation


Administrator - March 13, 2024

The Rectorate of Mackenzie Presbyterian University, through its Research Promotion Coordination, of the Vice-Rector's Office for Research and Postgraduate Studies (CFP/PRPG), hereby makes public this Notice for the call for proposals for the selection of projects within the Institutional Scientific Initiation Program.

Requirements for students:

1 - Be regularly enrolled in an undergraduate course at UPM between the first and the penultimate semester at the time of registration in the Institutional Scientific Initiation Program. Dedicate themselves fully to academic and research activities;

2 - Present satisfactory academic performance, evidenced in their academic transcript;

3 - Do not combine the Scientific Initiation scholarship with scholarships for teaching assistance, extension, technological initiation, PIBID, and research scholarships classified under other modalities, offered by Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Mackenzie Research Fund - MackPesquisa, CNPq or any national, foreign or international agencies for the promotion of teaching and research or similar entities;

4 - For the purposes of this Notice, simultaneous enjoyment of the Scientific Initiation scholarship and research scholarships from training/teaching projects and/or those that meet assistance, maintenance or permanence objectives, especially when the amounts are directly transferred to students, and whose purposes are different from Scientific Initiation research, will not be considered as accumulation of scholarships;

5 - Not have a direct lineal kinship with the supervisor;

6 - As a scholarship holder, it is not allowed to have an employment relationship under CLT regime, have a relationship with the public service (be a civil servant), participate in the Young Apprentice program, or engage in activities as a freelancer, generating income;

7 - If the student has an employment relationship, participates in the Young Apprentice Program, works as a freelancer, or is receiving any type of research scholarship or teaching assistance, they may register as a volunteer (Institutional Volunteer Scientific Initiation Program - PIVIC). This Program, excluding the scholarship payment, offers students the same benefits as PIBIC;

8 - A scholarship may be granted to a student who is in mandatory internships and non-mandatory internships, provided there is a joint declaration from the Academic Unit, the internship supervisor, and the research supervisor, showing that the internship will not affect their dedication to academic and research activities.

Requirements for supervisors:

1 - Be a teacher and researcher affiliated with the Academic Units of Mackenzie Presbyterian University;

2 - Have a doctoral or master's degree and work full-time (PPI) or part-time (PPP);

3 - Have scientific, technical, or artistic-cultural production from the last four years, published in indexed scientific journals related to the area of knowledge in which the teacher works. The supervisor's productivity information will be validated from the consultation of the respective curriculum filled out in the Lattes Platform;

4 - Have an updated Lattes Curriculum in the current semester;

5 - Have ORCiD registration;

6 - Be part of an ongoing research project, as a leader or participant, registered and updated in the Academic Unit, in the Lattes Platform, and approved in the PDA by the Research Coordinator of the Academic Unit;

7 - In the case of a new project, it must also have been indicated and approved in the PDA by the Research Coordinator of the Academic Unit and be registered in the Lattes Curriculum;

8 - The supervisor must have research availability in the PDA for the guidance of the Scientific Initiation project in question;

9 - Not have pending issues resulting from previous Scientific Initiation guidance, such as: open reports, performance assessments of their advisees, and other relevant to the process.

Full notice

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